Moving upwards and outwards by installing the IDE on my iMac and (I hope) getting the files all on my dropbox account so I can see them from wherever. This gives me a chance to document the process.
Go to and download the Mac OS X software (v1.01 today). Open the zip file and move to the applications folder. Run it.
Open preferences and set the sketchbook location to ...dropbox/Arduino.
Go to adafruit for the individual product shields (e.g. and get the relevant libraries (e.g. today I got SD, RTClib, AFMotor, and AccelStepper). Download the zip from the github site, then copy the unzipped directory into the ...dropbox/Arduino/libraries directory. Rename the copied library to its base name, e.g. ...dropbox/Arduino/libraries/SD/.
Restart the Arduino App so it can find the libraries. This would be a good time to add it to the launch bar, or wherever.
Make sure to set Tools/Board to the Arduino UNO (or as appropriate) and Tools/Serial to /dev/tty.usbmodemfd141 (or as appropriate).
Once that was done the new installation appears to be working like a charm and the screen real estate available makes the environment much more usable!
Now for the question of how to turn a PWM output into a fairly stable voltage output. I seem to remember something about RC circuits being involved, a load resistor and an adequate capacitor to smooth it. I'll puzzle it out. has something to say about PWM, but it looks like the suggestions mess up other timekeeping functions on the board.
Go to and download the Mac OS X software (v1.01 today). Open the zip file and move to the applications folder. Run it.
Open preferences and set the sketchbook location to ...dropbox/Arduino.
Go to adafruit for the individual product shields (e.g. and get the relevant libraries (e.g. today I got SD, RTClib, AFMotor, and AccelStepper). Download the zip from the github site, then copy the unzipped directory into the ...dropbox/Arduino/libraries directory. Rename the copied library to its base name, e.g. ...dropbox/Arduino/libraries/SD/.
Restart the Arduino App so it can find the libraries. This would be a good time to add it to the launch bar, or wherever.
Make sure to set Tools/Board to the Arduino UNO (or as appropriate) and Tools/Serial to /dev/tty.usbmodemfd141 (or as appropriate).
Once that was done the new installation appears to be working like a charm and the screen real estate available makes the environment much more usable!
Now for the question of how to turn a PWM output into a fairly stable voltage output. I seem to remember something about RC circuits being involved, a load resistor and an adequate capacitor to smooth it. I'll puzzle it out. has something to say about PWM, but it looks like the suggestions mess up other timekeeping functions on the board.